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Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык
Course description: English for Professional Purposes Pre-Intermediate course focuses on digital age, cybercrime, cyber security, data storage, programming languages and current trends in IT. It is designed to raise the students' awareness of the social issues of information technologies and build up their English language competence. The language training is communicative, interactive, student-centered, outcome-oriented and heavily reliant on students' self-study work.
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About This Course

The course goal is aimed to raise the students' awareness of the current trends in areas of student specialization and their social implications, to build up their academic and professional English language competence, develop life-long learning, creativity, leadership, critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving and team work abilities.

The objectives of the course are to:
- raise the students’ grammar accuracy in using tenses
- expand the range of the students` professional vocabulary
- improve the students’ comprehension of authentic oral speech in professional contexts;
- improve the students’ ability to skim and scan authentic texts of professional interest, identify text topics, main ideas and arguments, distinguish fact from opinion;
- develop the students’ skills of oral speech in professional settings;
- teach students to write a summary of professional texts.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Zhanabayeva Svetlana Battalovna

Associated professor of Languages Department
International Information Technology University

Course Staff Image #2

Kaldarova Aissulu Konisovna

Senior lecturer of Languages Department
International Information Technology University

Course Staff Image #2

Aitim Aigerim Kairatkyzy

Senior lecturer of Information Systems Department
International Information Technology University

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